I pulled my car into the cool metal shed of a carwash tunnel. “Errrrnnn.” the machine fired up spraying water all over my car. Then the shampoo came flowing down. I leaned back in my chair, A/C on…not a thought in my head.
A moment later, through the shampoo, straight ahead, but immediately outside of the tunnel—I noticed three little figures popping up and down. I leaned forward…maybe someone was trying to grab my attention. Fingers flew, the little figures danced just outside of the tunnel.
The shampoo cleared away from my windshield revealing three little boys peering into the tunnel. They were probably about 8 years old. The wisest looking one wore a bowl cut, a sports jersey, red flannel jammy bottoms and leather buckled sandals. He pointed in my direction at the machinery as if to provide a theory on how the machine worked.
The second boy, similarly dressed, but with jeans on listened intently and then seemed to counter boy number one’s theory. As the water burst out from a nozzle onto the under carriage of my car, I could read his lips, “see it’s coming from there.”
The third boy, probably a year younger than the other two, skipped, hopped and danced around while the other two postulated. He’d zoom by and seemed to say whatever popped into his head. At some point, he let out an inaudible, but excited scream as the water bounced off my car and onto him.
As the dryers turned on, the three stood in a line. Their clothes filled with hot air. It made them look like marshmallow men. With big grins, the marshmallow men held firm. After a moment, they all skipped around laughing.
Then in all seriousness, they stopped and stared. Their legs shoulder width apart, head in hands as the machine switch from one tool to another. It was like watching a scientist witness a new phenomenon.
Before my very eyes, I watched them observe, converse and celebrate their findings. At some point two other boys, one with a red BMX bike, the other with a Dodgers’ cap cruise through in the background. The second group of boys gave a wave, but continued on with their very important mission, a trip to the 7-Eleven.
Click. Click. The carwash machine completed its task. The carwash light switched from red to green and the three boys backed out of my car’s way. As I pulled forward, they stood along the exit path, their heads poking around the corner as if to make sure that the machine wasn’t going to come back on. As I pulled away, I looked in my rear view mirror; again the three little scientists were standing in front of the tunnel, another car being washed. What would they discover this time?