I developed and animated this video for the Don’t Waste Long Beach coalition. It will be used for coalition meetings and legislator engagement to advance their advocacy of an exclusive franchise agreement for the City of Long Beach. I used Creative Cloud Illustrator, After Effects, and Premiere Pro for this project.
I wrote, produced, and edited this piece for Californians against Prop 66.
I wrote, produced, and edited this piece for the ImVisible campaign, a project to lift the voices of home care workers, in the Summer of 2016. Photo-realistic drawings by Anoki Casey. This video reached approximately 5,000 supporters on Facebook. Many IHSS caregivers like Barbara care for their sons and daughters. Help honor them this mothers day by asking […]
I wrote, produced, and edited this piece for the ImVisible campaign, a project to lift the voices of home care workers, in the Spring of 2016. This video reached approximately 12,000 supporters on Facebook. Caregivers like Cheryl and the people they care for deserve better than to have home care constantly disrupted, or put on the […]
I wrote, produced, and edited this piece for the ImVisible campaign, a project to lift the voices of home care workers, in the Spring of 2016. Photo-realistic drawings by Anoki Casey. This video reached approximately 35,000 supporters on Facebook via two Facebook pages.
Crystal Alley Test 1 from Crystal Page on Vimeo.
Motion Graphic Test #1 Photoshop for the images…comic book effect…Photoshop5 Sound design and color correction in FCP Not for tone, rhythm or pacing…simply background plate, image and bubble test.
A modern tale of the boy who cried wolf. Lyle Licketti lies constantly. When his homework comes to life, he must persuade his disbelieving class to flee before the monster consumes them, like it did his dog. One thing stands in the way, his logical third grade teacher…Mrs. Cee. This screener is for private use […]