I wrote, produced, & edited this video as part of our member education this election cycle. This was one of twelve videos I produced for member education this cycle.
I wrote, produced, and edited this piece to help with bring light to the need to increase direct care staffing levels in nursing homes. This was the third piece in the Caregivers Count video series intended to explain the big picture.
I wrote, produced, and edited this piece to help with bring light to the need to increase direct care staffing levels in nursing homes. This was the first piece in the Caregivers Count video series intended to explain the big picture.
I wrote, produced, and edited this piece for the ImVisible campaign, a project to lift the voices of home care workers, in the Summer of 2016. Photo-realistic drawings by Anoki Casey. This video reached approximately 5,000 supporters on Facebook. Many IHSS caregivers like Barbara care for their sons and daughters. Help honor them this mothers day by asking […]
I wrote, produced, and edited this piece for the ImVisible campaign, a project to lift the voices of home care workers, in the Spring of 2016. This video reached approximately 12,000 supporters on Facebook. Caregivers like Cheryl and the people they care for deserve better than to have home care constantly disrupted, or put on the […]
I wrote, produced, and edited this piece for the ImVisible campaign, a project to lift the voices of home care workers, in the Spring of 2016. Photo-realistic drawings by Anoki Casey. This video reached approximately 35,000 supporters on Facebook via two Facebook pages.
California receives more to help via the national trafficking hotline than any other state. And for many victims of human trafficking who have broken free, they often find themselves in employment where they suffer from exploitation again through wage theft. I produced this video with our contractors.
BuddhiBox May Reveal FINAL from Crystal Page on Vimeo.
We have produced a number of videos for BuddhiBox a monthly mindfulness subscription service who send customers boxes full of goodies that enhance your yoga practice and lifestyle.
Teachers make a lasting impact on their students. Dano Entertainment, maker of children’s toys, sponsored these microdocs to thank teachers (their clients) for their hard work. Library Not Libary featuring Arthur Salm App Crayon – Arthur “Library not Libary” from Crystal Page on Vimeo. Thank You Mrs. Collins! (featuring my grandmother) AppCrayon: Juanita’s Story – […]
Our latest project, “The International CyberFair” premiered today at the San Diego International Children’s Film Festival. What great fun! After the screening we participated in a Q & A with the audience. They were supportive, inquisitive and wanted to know how they could get this important program in their schools. We hope the program continues […]